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Elaagip A., Absalon S. & Florentin A. (2022) Apicoplast Dynamics During Plasmodium Cell Cycle. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 12:864819.

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Florentin A. (2021) mSphere of Influence: courage and resilience in life and science. mSphere 6:e00200-21

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Florentin A, Stephens DR, Brooks CF, Muralidharan V. (2020) Plastid biogenesis in malaria parasites requires the interactions and catalytic activity of the Clp proteolytic system. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 117; (24) 13719-13729

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Florentin A, Cobb DW, Kudyba HM, Muralidharan V. (2020) Directing traffic: Chaperone-mediated protein transport in malaria parasites. Cellular Microbiology. 22; (7) e13215

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Zimbres FM, Valenciano AL, Merino EF, Holderman NR, Florentin A, He G, Wang X, Muralidharan V, Cassera MB. (2020) Metabolomics profiling reveals new aspects of dolichol biosynthesis in Plasmodium falciparum. Scientific Reports. 10; (1) 13264

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Kudyba HM, Cobb DW, Fierro MA, Florentin A, Ljolie D, Singh B, Lucchi NW, and Muralidharan, V. (2019) The ER Chaperone PfGRP170 Is Essential for Asexual Development and Is Linked to Stress Response in Malaria Parasites. Cellular Microbiology. 21:e13042

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Kudyba HM, Cobb DW, Florentin A, Krakowiak M, Muralidharan V. (2018) CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing to Make Conditional Mutants of Human Malaria Parasite P. falciparum. Journal of Visualized Experiments.  (139), e57747 

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Gorelick-Ashkenazi A, Weiss R*, Sapozhnikov L*, Florentin A*, Tarayrah-Ibraheim L, Dweik D, Yacobi-Sharon K, Arama E. (2018) Caspases Maintain Tissue Integrity by an Apoptosis Independent Inhibition of Cell Migration and Invasion. (* – equal contributions). Nature communications. 18;9(1):2806

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Florentin A, Cobb DW, Fishburn JD, Cipriano MJ, Kim PS, Fierro MA, Striepen B, and Muralidharan V. (2017) PfClpC is an Essential Clp Chaperone Required for Plastid Integrity and Clp Protease Stability in Plasmodium falciparum. Cell Reports. 21(7):1746-1756

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Cobb DW*, Florentin A*, Fierro MA, Krakowiak M, Moore JM, and Muralidharan V. (2017) The Exported Chaperone Pfhsp70x is Dispensable for Plasmodium falciparum Intraerythrocytic Lifecycle (* – equal contributions). mSphere. 2: e00363-17

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Florentin A. and Arama E. (2012). Caspase Levels and Execution Efficiencies Determine the Apoptotic Potential of the Cell. Journal of Cell Biology. 196:513-27